A Sea on Edge. An exhibition to promote critical reflection on the Blue Economy

Free entry (reservation is mandatory by sending an email to: info@quoartis.org, indicating the date and time for the visit).

Exhibition dates: From March 7th to March 20th, and from April 15th to April 30th.

Timetable : From 9:30 am to 5:00 pm.

Venue: Operating Pavilion, Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site.
Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167, 08025, Barcelona

To mark the culmination of the project A Sea Change, Quo Artis presents the exhibition A sea on edge, which presents a series of works that epitomize the interdisciplinary research collaboration that has been taking place in the two years of duration of this international project . A project that blended art, science, and environmental advocacy to dissect the complexities of the Mediterranean's Blue Economy, whilst seeking to cultivate critical perspectives on how we connect and engage with this vital marine biome.

This exhibition offers visitors a rich, multifaceted experience through tangible explorations of diverse interpretations and reflections on the Mediterranean, highlighting the intricate complexities of the region's Blue Economy.

Participating artists: Helene Black, César Escudero Andaluz, Daniel García Andújar, FRAUD (Audrey Samson & Francisco Gallardo), Katja Loher, Filippo Minelli, and Robertina Šebjanič.

>> Download the exhibition leaflet

Get a taste of the exhibition by listening to the podcast Terraqueous Territoriality — a conversation between FRAUD and Liam Campling.
This audio piece is a podcast episode of a discussion between FRAUD and Liam Campling which focuses on modes of maritime extraction that continue legacies of colonial rule. Together they explore some of the legal and economic infrastructures that support and perpetuate fishery extraction, such as Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs), and Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY), based on Campling’s book, co-authored with Alejandro Colás, Capitalism and the Sea: the Maritime Factor in the Making of the Modern World.

>> Listen to the podcast HERE

In the frame of A Sea Change

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