Brandon Ballengée
Brandon Ballengée (US) is a visual artist, biologist and environmental activist. Ballengée creates transdisciplinary works of art by means of laboratory and ecological field research, focusing his work on human and non-human organisms affected by the Anthropocene. Brandon’s work has been exhibited in over 20 countries and he has had recent solo exhibitions at these museums: Louisiana Art and Science Museum (US), University of Wyoming Art Museum (US), Museum of the Fine Arts (US), Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University (US), Parco Arte Vivente, Centro d’Arte Contemporanea (IT), Museum De Domijnen (NL), Chateau du Domaine de Chamarande (FR) and others. He currently is a 2019 Creative Capital Fellow and Postdoctoral Researcher at Louisiana State University (US) studying the impact of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill on Gulf of Mexico species.
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