17 May, 2023

Location: ISEA2023- Symbiosis, Paris, Nelson Mandela Gardens, Les Halles, Paris
Time: 12:00 - 13:15 CET
Hosted by: the Traveling Plant & artist Eva-Maria Lopez
Free by registration only
, limited number of participants.
Registration HERE.
The meeting point will be communicated closer to the event to the registered participants.

On the 17th of May, from 12 PM to 1.15 PM, at ISEA in Paris, The Traveling Plant will discover the Nelson Mandela Gardens, located right above the ISEA venue at Forum des images. Together with artist Eva-Maria Lopez and the participation of ISEA attendees, the workshop will involve an exploration of the garden's selected plants and areas, highlighting the stories that they embody, including historical, economical, political, and botanical narratives. This Tour is a component of The Traveling Plant's broader project, "The Gentlemen in my garden".

The Veridical Travel Around The World of A True Imaginary Plant traces the voyage of a plant —real, artificial or fictitious— around the world, telling its own story, the stories of other plants and living creatures (other than human and humans) it encounters, of whom and what it meets.

Initiated in 2020, The Traveling Plant (TP for short) started its voyage in the Kepler's Garden of Ars Electronica before going to Barcelona and Évora in 2021. It was created by Annick Bureaud – Leonardo/Olats (FR). In collaboration with Tatiana Kourochkina – Quo Artis (ES), Marta de Menezes – Cultivamos Cultura (PT), curator Claudia Schnugg (AT) and artist Robertina Šebjanič (SI).


About the Artist


Eva-Maria Lopez
Eva-Maria Lopez is an artist who delves into the themes of nature, ecology, and their historical contexts in her creative pursuits. Through her projects, she seeks to uncover the connection between objects and their surroundings. Lopez's art reflects a profound concern for the destruction of natural habitats and resources, as well as the societal structures that are deeply ingrained in modern communities. By placing different realities in novel settings, Lopez offers fresh perspectives and highlights previously unseen aspects of our world.

In the frame of "The Traveling Plant"