21 April, 2023

Hosted by: BAU, College of Art & Design 
Date: Friday, 21 April, 2023
Time: 10 a.m - 6.30 p.m
Location: BAU, Edifici Granada. C/ de la Ciutat de Granada, 34-36, 08005 Barcelona 
Language: English & Catalan
Free of charge

This event was streamed live online:
The Morning session can be watched
The Afternoon session can be watched HERE


Patricia Carbonell (AMWAJ - Head of Revolve media Barcelona) ·  Denis Delestrac (filmmaker) · Ignasi Ferrer (CEO & Founder of Seastainable ventures) · Daniel G. Andújar (artist) · María Antonia González Valerio (Doctor in Philosophy & full time professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the UNAM) · Camila Maggi (Architect & professor, BAUAnna Majó (Operational Director of Innovation Barcelona Activa / Blue Economy Ajuntament de Barcelona) · Anne-M. Melster (Executive Director & Founder of ARTPORT_making waves) · Filippo Minelli (artist) · Kasia Molga (artist) · Cris Noguer (Designer & independent researcher, BAU) · Ana Otero (Designer & PhD student at BAU) ·  Josep Lluís Pelegrí (Senior Researcher & professor Institut de Ciencies del mar)  · Maja Smrekar (artist) · Marta Puxan (Doctor in Humanities distinguished researcher at the Universitat de les Illes Balears) · Robertina Šebjanič (artist) · Carole Viaene (Director of the Seareg Foundation)

Troubled blue.Weaving hybrid solutions for sustainable marine futures is an interdisciplinary symposium in the framework of the Creative Europe Project A Sea Change,  an international cooperation project between KONTEJNER (HR) as lead partner, MOMus - Experimental Center for the Arts (GR), NeME (CY) and Quo Artis Foundation (ES). 

On Friday the 21st of April 2023, a symposium on the Blue Economy and the interdisciplinary approach to marine and coastal sustainability and education in different Mediterranean communities will be held at BAU, with an emphasis on the city of Barcelona and its European context.

What can we learn from the association of art and science with regard to a sustainable transformation of the economy on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea? What diagnoses and strategies can we draw up from this hybrid space that will allow us to establish a more balanced and less anthropocentric relationship with the sea that fills our coasts? In this symposium the project A Sea Change brings together different voices from the fields of art, science, economics and philosophy, and invites them to weave a choral but coherent discourse concerning the foreseeable future of the Mediterranean. How do we relate to the sea as a source of food, as a place for leisure and tourism, as a means of transport for people and goods, and what is the current state of Mediterranean ecosystems? And, having made these evaluations, what concrete actions can we propose for the near future?

With contributions from experts in the fields of economics, art, design, film, marine literature, philosophy and environmental sciences, as well as interventions by international artists, the event will raise issues and urgencies around urban design, the well-being of Barcelona's coastal communities and ecosystems and their environments.


Symposium Programme
To watch the recording of the presentations click on each one of them.

10:10 - 10:20

Opening from Tatiana Kourotchkina Founder & director of Quo Artis

10:30 - 10:50 

Anna Majó -Barcelona Blue Economy : towards a sustainable future (ENG)

10:50 - 11:10

In conversation, Ignasi Ferrer & Carole Viaene - Sustainable Blue Economy ventures (ENG)

11.10 - 11.30

Robertina Šebjanič - Sounds of a troubled world’s = Underwater Interception of aquatocene (ENG)

12:15- 12:35

Anne - M. Melster - WE ARE OCEAN Global program: How can interdisciplinary art projects activate societal change? (ENG)

12:40 - 13:00

Denis Delestrac - On the documentary, Freightened. The real price of shipping (2016) (ENG)

13:05 - 13:25

Patricia Carbonell - Building creative narratives to spark water action (ENG)

13:30 - 13:50

María Antonia González Valerio - About nature, the oceans and what we have to meditate upon. (ENG)

Question & answer session

        · ·

16:05 - 16:25

Josep Lluís Pelegrí  - Enbluement: searching enactive interfaces to participate in the living planet (ENG)

16:30 - 16:45

Camila Maggi - BAU's Institute of Political Materialities (IMP). (CAT)
Cris Noguer - Explanation of 5 student projects linked to the project with ICM Bluegenes, practical methodologies for approaching a dialogue between design and the sea.

16:50 - 17:05

Maja Smrekar - SEA STATION - Online intervention (ENG)

17:10 - 17:30

Marta Puxan - The Dead Eye and the Deep Blue Sea: graphic memoirs for the economy of illegal fishing (ENG)

17:35 - 17:55

Kasia Molga - How to fall for the sea (ENG)

17:55 - 18:15

Mare Nostrum?- A conversation between Daniel G. Andújar & Filippo Minelli (ENG)

18:15 - 18:30
Presentation of the workshop on Art and Ecology at Llobregat's Delta by Joaquín Jara  (ENG)


In the frame of A Sea Change 
With the support of

In collaboration with